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A property search can be conducted for a number of reasons. Typically, property searches are conducted to identify any restrictions on land (such as a mortgate, easement, caveat etc.), or to ascertain the current owners of the property.

They can also be used to ascertain other information about the property, such as the dimensions of the land/property parcel.

Each property search will incur a different fee due to different states and authorities charging different amounts. Simply search by entering the address, Vol/Fol or Title Reference in the search bar. Once you click search, you will be provided with a list of purchasable reports on that property, showing the price for each report before you add to cart.

A full list of our property product offerings can be found here.

To conduct a property search, visit the property page and enter either the street address, or the deed reference/folio number. If prompted, select the state your property is located, then you will be taken to a page that will show you the purchasable searches for that property.

Title searches are available in each state, while some other services are only available for specific states.

A title search will provide you with a copy of the Certificate of Title/Title Deed of that property.

A Certificate of Title (also known as a Deed) is an official land ownership record. It determines who owns that piece of land.

A Title Search will provide a copy of the Certificate of Title. This document will include information, including the owner (be it a person or other entity such as a bank or corporation), a description of the land, and a list of current dealings on the property such as mortgages, caveats, covenants, and easements.

The vendor will disclose a copy of the title search in the contract, the purchaser (or their representative) will then ensure a Final search is ordered on the day of settlement to ensure there are no additional dealings registered on title prior to the property being transferred in their name.

Property titles are listed under the property’s specific Lot and Plan number. This makes it easier for government authorities to know exactly what piece of land is being referenced when a transition of ownership occurs, as some properties can have multiple different street addresses.

A deposited plan is a document that outlines the legal boundaries of the land that were defined on the date it was registered.

A deposited plan is a document that outlines the legal boundaries of the land that were defined on the date it was registered.

Deposited plans provide information regarding the legal boundaries of a property, details any subdivisions, easements, resumptions or restrictions on the land. It will outline the shape, measurements, and physical features of the site.

A deposited plan won’t provide you with the plans of any buildings that are located on the property/properties.

Properties on deposited plans are identified using the property’s lot number, not the street address number. Some deposited plans can also be quite old, so some street names/features surrounding the property may not be accurate to the modern day.

If you believe that you have received the wrong plan for your property, you can either contact our support team or the relevant government authority.

Deposited plans are not specific to any one property. Each property is typically a single lot in a larger deposited plan. While some deposited plans may have individual documents for specific lots, others will have one plan image that encompasses a larger area that contains the entire deposited plan.

An 88b document is a subset of a deposited plan. When a new property is registered, any easements, rights, restrictions or covenants are recorded when they are created (or removed).

An 88B document will identify which parties are benefitted and/or burdened. It will also identify the terms of each easement, right, restriction or covenant listed on the property.

Not all properties will have an 88B available for them. 88B’s only came into existence in the 1960’s, so any properties created before then will not have an 88B document. Likewise,if a property has no easements, rights, restrictions or caveats listed, it will also not have an 88b.

If no 88B document is available for purchase, any information that would be listed in an 88B can often be found in Schedule 2 of a title certificate.

A survey plan (or registered plan) will indicate the pegs in the ground that are used to mark the lot boundaries of a property.

A survey plan (or registered plan) will indicate the pegs in the ground that are used to mark the lot boundaries of a property.

Sometimes an individual land parcel’s measurements will not be made available on the plan – this typically occurs where one parcel of land shares the same dimensions of another parcel in the same plan.

A strata plan is a subdivision of a parcel of real property land into separate lots and common property. All strata schemes are depicted in strata plans.

A strata plan is a subdivision of a parcel of real property land into separate lots and common property. All strata schemes are depicted in strata plans.

Common property is any parcel of property that is not allocated a specific lot. It is a shared space that every occupier or lot owner shares, and typically include gardens, garages, fences, driveways, hallways, etc.

A sewer diagram will show information regarding the plumbing work of the property, while older diagrams will also show the point of connection to the Sydney Water wastewater system, as well as easements over the land and other information specific for plumbers.

Sewer diagrams can also show other features like the flood level, statute of limitations, as well as other features.

Currently, sewer service diagrams are only available for selected properties serviced by Sydney Water.

Sydney water offers a comprehensive guide of how to read your diagram on their website which is accessible here.

A Development Application (DA) is a formal request to the relevant local council for consent to conduct proposed development. This could include changing the use of land, subdividing land, carrying out work on a building and landscaping amongst other things. Work cannot commence on a development until an application has been lodged and approved.

A development application report is a list of planned/current works happening in a 400 meter radius from the property you are conducting a search on.

A development application report will inform you of any pending/current works that are being performed within 400m of the property you are conducting a search on. It will identify how far away the works are, the address, the latest update date to the list, and the specific ID and summary of each developemt application.

A Development Application (DA) is a formal request to the relevant local council for consent to conduct a proposed development. The application needs to be lodged, reviewed and approved for it to appear.

Not all services are available in all states, and not all documents are available for all properties. Also, if you are doing a search on a new property, it is likely that the relevant government’s database has not been updated to cross-reference the street address with the property’s lot and plan/title reference number.

A deed reference/folio number is the specific identifier for each certificate of title. Typically, the title reference number will comprise of the property’s lot and plan number, with a slash seperating the two.

For example, if the property is Lot 10 in Plan 123456, then the title reference is likely to be 10/123456. Some outliers include properties where there are multiple sub-folios for a property

If you are unable to find any results for your property address, try conducting a search using the property’s title reference number, or it’s lot and plan number (in the format of ‘lot number/plan number’). If you are still unable to see any results for your property, please contact our support team.

Sub-folios occur when there are multiple certificates of title for the same lot, each held by a different owner. Using the above example, if two subfolios were to exist for the property Lot 10 in Plan 123456, then each subfolio would have a unique identifier (such as 10A/123456 and 10B/123456).

Property searches are typically delivered instantly to your specified email inbox, however sometimes delays with the authority we are conducting the search on can occur. We usually allow for up to 78 hours before documents are delivered.

If you still haven’t received your document(s) after 78 hours, our support team will be happy to assist.

The NSWLRS disabled direct purchasing of property documents in 2016, meaning that all searches must be conducted through a third-party provider such as InfoTrackGO.

Easements generally provide the right to access and use land while the legal title or ownership of the land remains with the owner of the land.

The term Caveat derives from the Latin expression which means to “beware,” and caveats themselves are often considered “warnings” or “red flags” for prospective purchasers, to let them know there is another party with an interest to the property. It is important to know about caveats in real estate as they can either be a thorn in your side or beneficial to your interests.

A covenant is a provision, or promise, contained in a deed to land. Land may be subject to a covenant which affects or limits its use. This is known as the burden of a covenant. A covenant may give a landowner some say over what is permissible on neighbouring property. This is called the benefit of a covenant.
A covenant can be very important as it could affect the value of land or its intended use.

If you’re looking to transact or deal with a company, it’s important to understand their history and the risk associated. For example, you could be looking to see if a company or its directors have a history of deliberate liquidation, which is called illegal phoenixing. This is where a new company is created to continue the business of a company that has been deliberately liquidated to avoid paying its debts, including taxes, creditors and employee entitlements.

Our company searches are conducted on ASIC’s database of registered companies in Australia. We also provide company credit reports provided by CreditorWatch.

The price of a company search can differ on a variety of factors. Simply search by entering the company’s name, it’s ACN, or ABN into the search bar. Once you click search, you will be provided with a list of purchasable reports on that company, showing the price for each report before you add to cart.

Company searches are typically completed within 15 minutes of purchase, however due to occasional delays with the authorities we conduct searches on, they can take up to 78 hours to be provided.

You can conduct a search on a company by entering the company’s name, it’s ACN, or ABN into the search bar. Once you click search, you will be provided with a list of purchasable reports on that company.

Unfortunately our company searches are currently limited to companies which are registered on Australia.

Each tier of company report contains a differing amount of information. How detailed you wish your search results to be should determine which specific report you should purchase. A breakdown of what each of our company reports contain can be found here.

An ASIC Company Report (Company Extract) includes the registered company details, directors, secretaries, shareholders and company history.

Unfortunately our ASIC searches only come in package deals, and we cannot cherry pick specific items from each package to be made available for purchase.

Only entities that are registered as either public or private companies with ASIC will have reports available for purchase. Entities such as sole traders, partnerships, and registered associations will not have reports available for them.

It can take some time before company searches are completed. Please allow up to 78 hours for a company search to be completed. If you still have not received your company report after this time, please contact our support team.

Yes, this service is completely, 100% legitimate. We are a registered ASIC vendor, and all information contained in our reports is publicly available information.

No, any entity you conduct a search on will not be notified of any search(es) conducted on them.

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) is an independent commission of the Australian Government tasked as the national corporate regulator. ASIC’s role is to regulate company and financial services and enforce laws to protect Australian consumers, investors and creditors.

A Company Credit Report contains information on a company’s court actions, payment defaults, mercantile enquiries, credit score and historical document lodgings with ASIC.

An ASIC & AFSA Personal Search (also called Director’s Search) provides you with instant access to a person’s current and historical directorships, shareholdings, disqualifications and even records of bankruptcies, so you can easily cross-check their identity and backgrounds. The report is important for anyone looking to make low-risk decisions with businesses and directors.

An ASIC & AFSA personal search contains information regarding any current and historical directorships the individual has held, as well as any shareholdings, disqualifications, and bankruptcies in their name.

To conduct a person search, enter the name of the person you wish to conduct a search on into the search bar of this page https://search.infotrackgo.com.au/ and click ‘Search’. You will be redirected to a list of people whose name match the one provided. This list can be filtered down further by clicking the ‘Filter’ button at the top of the search results.

Yes, as an authorised Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) and Australian Financial Security Authority (AFSA) broker, InfoTrackGO is able to provide this search package to Australian customers.

No, the person that you are conducting a search on will not be notified that you have conducted a search.

Typically this is due to some duplicates in ASIC/AFSA’s system. In instances such as this, we recommend purchasing a report for the name highest on the list with the most accurate information (including date of birth and location) as typically each of these repots will just be duplicates of each other.

Our person searches use information from ASIC, in order to capture all relevant information on the subject of the search, the search captures information that is close to the search term to make sure it has all variations in the report. This sometimes can return results for persons of similar names and is listed alphabetically in the search result.

Please note that the first page of the report does not indicate that the preceding pages are in reference to the individual on the first page.

Person searches are only available for individuals who hold any business interests in Australia, such as directorships, shareholdings, disqualifications and bankruptcies.

No, we cannot conduct person searches using an individual’s contact information such as email or phone number.

Typically, person searches are delivered within 15 minutes of ordering. However, some orders can take up to 78 hours to complete due to delays with the authorities we conduct the search with.

No, InfoTrackGo does not provide any identity verification services, but InfoTrackID does. You can find out more here https://www.infotrack.com.au/infotrackid/

When seeking to purchase a second-hand vehicle it’s important to check whether it has a history of being written off, being reported stolen and has valid registration details. This alerts you to potentially expensive problems that could occur after purchase. InfoTrackgo provides you with information directly from the Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR).

Simply enter a licence plate or Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) and start searching.

No, vehicle searches can only be conducted using a vehicle’s VIN or registration number.

To conduct a vehicle search, you can enter the vehicle’s VIN or registration number into the search bar on this page  and click ‘Search’. You will then be redirected to a page where you can purchase a report on the vehicle if one is available.

A Vehicle Identification Number (or VIN) is the identifying code for a specific vehicle. While a vehicle’s registration number may change, its VIN should always remain the same.

The VIN can be found on the driver’s side of the vehicle where the dashboard and windshield meet. If it’s not located there, it will be available on the driver side door, where the door latches. It’s also likely to be available on your insurance policy or vehicle title and registration.

A vehicle search will provide you with a report on the vehicle in question. The report will include information regarding the car’s finance history, whether it has been written-off or stolen, as well as its current registration status. The report will also provide you with a PPSR certificate.

The Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR) provides a single system where all registrations of security interests in personal property have been combined to create a comprehensive, publicly accessible database. This database has been created so it is possible to view security interests registered against specified collateral. It is available to the public and can be used by consumers, businesses and the finance industry, as well as by those who sell collateral on consignment or credit.

Any form of possession, not including land. It must be possible for this “personal property” to be transferred ownership from one party or individual to another. For example, this includes tangible or physical items such as cars, boats, art, shares, livestock, but also in tangible concepts such as intellectual property or licensed rights.

A secured party is any entity that has interest in collateral. Basically, this means that the specified party has an interest in seeing that the total value of the collateral is paid in full to the provider of the collateral. These parties use the PPSR to register the value and information related to their collateral for public use, and to protect themselves against loss. The secured party could be an individual or a company.

This is an Australia wide check for financial encumbrances registered against a car, administered by a government agency.

If a report is not available for the registration number you have entered, it is likely that the registration has expired. To determine if that vehicle’s registration is current, use your state’s registration checking service.

Vehicle reports are typically delivered instantly. If you haven’t received your report within 78 hours, please contact our support staff and they will be happy to assist.

A Criminal History check (or National Police check) contains a summary of a person’s history information in Australia. This includes all findings of guilt unless spent. Whether a finding is spent will depend on state and federal legislation, but generally, a spent finding is a criminal offence older than 5 years if convicted as a child, or an offence older than 10 years in any other case.

Once you purchase a criminal history check, you will be sent an email containing instructions on how to complete the check as well as a login to access the check and view its status. Once all the required documents have been submitted, they are manually reviewed by our police check team.
If your documents are accepted, your police check is then sent to the ACIC (the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission) for processing.

This Certificate is current as of the date of issue. As it is a point in time check, there is no associated validity period. It is at the employer’s discretion to regulate what period of time a check is valid.

We need to ensure that all documents provided are legitimate and that the person conducting the search is who they say they are. Since police checks contain sensitive personal information, great care is taken ensuring the security and accuracy of our police checks, and a manual process is currently the best method of achieving this.

No, the Working With Children (WWC) Check and a Criminal History Check are different certificates. Unfortunately we do not provide WWC certificates through our platform.

ACIC provide three categories of identity documents and a list of the documents acceptable under each category. We are required to sight at least:

a. One commencement of identity document
b. One primary use in the community document
c. Two secondary use in the community documents.

InfoTrack, as an Accredited Body, is required to sight identity documents either locally, by sighting an original presented by the applicant in-person, or remotely, by sighting a copy of each document submitted by the applicant through the post or by email.

A. Commencement of identity documents (1x)

  • Full Australian birth certificate (not an extract or birth card)
  • Current Australian passport (not expired)
  • Australian visa current at time of entry to Australia as a resident or tourist
  • ImmiCard issued by Immigration and Border Protection that enables the cardholder to prove their visa and/or migration status and enroll in services
  • Certificate of identity issued by Foreign Affairs and Trade to refugees and non-Australian citizens for entry to Australia
  • Document of identity issued by Foreign Affairs and Trade to Australian citizens or persons who have the nationality of a Commonwealth country for travel purposes
  • Certificate of evidence of resident status.

B. Primary use in the community document (1x)

  • Current Australian drivers license, learner permit or provisional license issued by a state or territory, showing a signature and/or photo and the same name as claimed
  • Australian marriage certificate issued by a state or territory (church or celebrant-issued certificates are not accepted)
  • Current passport issued by a country other than Australia with a valid entry stamp or visa
  • Current proof of age or photo identity card issued by an Australian Government agency in the name of the applicant, with a signature and photo
  • Current shooters or firearms licence showing a signature and photo (not minor or junior permit or licence)
  • For persons under 18 years of age with no other Primary Use in Community Documents, a current student identification card with a signature or photo.

C. Secondary use in the community documents (2x)

  • Bank card
  • Credit card
  • Medicare card
  • Evidence of right to an Australian government benefit (Centrelink or Veterans’ Affairs)
    Australian tertiary
  • student photo
  • identity document
  • Australian secondary student photo identity document
  • Certified academic transcript from an Australian university
  • Photo identity card issued to an officer by a police force
  • Photo identity card issued by the Australian Defense Force
  • Photo identity card issued by the Australian Government or a state or territory government
  • Certificate of identity issued by Foreign Affairs and Trade
  • Document of identity issued by Foreign Affairs and Trade
  • Convention travel document secondary (United Nations) issued by Foreign Affairs and Trade
  • Foreign government issued documents (for example, drivers license)
  • Enrolment with the Australian Electoral Commission
  • Security guard or crowd control photo license
  • Consular photo identity card issued by Foreign Affairs and Trade
  • Aviation Security Identification Card
  • Maritime Security Identification card
  • Credit reference check
  • Trusted referees report

In our experience, 70% of cases in the National Police Certificate will be received within 1 hour after submitting the application. On some occasions though, the check may take up to 10 business days to be returned. If this happens, it may be because the application has been flagged for further review if it has been matched against somebody on the database with a similar name, gender and/or date of birth. When this occurs, there is a review process that is undertaken where each of Australia’s police agencies are consulted to resolve the match. Your Application can only be processed once you have submitted all of your valid documents (signed Informed Consent Form and four identity documents).

Criminal history checks serve to protect an organisation’s employees, productivity, performance, resources, clients, culture and reputation. By carrying out these checks, an Organisation is showing due diligence and care. It exemplifies that the company values their reputation, team culture and clients. When a criminal history check is included in a company’s pre-employment screening, you can feel assured that safety is a top priority at your potential workplace.

You must be over 16 years of age to order a National Police Check. However, anyone under the age of 18 years must have the consent of a parent, guardian or legal representative.

Other than checks for police investigation/prosecution purposes, no one is permitted to check another person’s police record without their consent.

If you have a criminal record, you are legally obligated to let your potential employer know. However, your employer should give you the opportunity to address your criminal record and explain the circumstances surrounding any convictions. Each case should be decided in its individual context in relation to the position, the organisation’s policies and any applicable anti-discrimination guidelines. Factors that you and your employer may consider include:

  • Your age at the time of the offence
  • How recent the offence occurred
  • Whether there is a pattern of reoffending
  • The seriousness of the offence and its relationship to the specific job
  • The sentence imposed by the courts
  • Evidence of rehabilitation including subsequent work experience and character references.

If you believe the results on your criminal history check to be incorrect, and you would like to raise a dispute claim , you can complete an online dispute form to start the dispute process. It is important to note that disputes can only be raised for one of the following reasons:

  • The police information released does not belong to you
  • Part of the police information does not belong to you
  • The police information belongs to the you, but the details are inaccurate;
  • The police information belongs to you, but should not have been released.

There is no set turn around time for disputes to be resolved, however we will confirm receipt of the dispute within 72 business hours of your request and provide updates as they become available.

Sometimes the ACIC’s National Police Checking Service may experience delays in processing your check. Unfortunately we are unable to expedite the process of checks and can only provide the results once they are returned by the ACIC.

This error message indicates that you have reached the maximum number of orders allowed for a Guest Account. To continue placing orders, it is necessary to complete the email address verification process by creating an Account with InfoTrackGO.

Unfortunately we are unable to provide any information free of charge that is not already publicly available through a search engine such as Google or Bing.

InfoTrackGO offer support through our online chat. You can chat with our team Monday to Friday, 9am to 4.30pm (AEST) by clicking the chat widget in the bottom right of your screen. Outside of these times you can leave us a message and our team will contact you by email during business hours. 

To keep our prices as low as they are we currently don’t offer phone support.
If you require assistance over the phone, inform our team in your support message and if we cannot immediately fix your issue, we can reach out to you via a phone call.

Refunds are provided on a case-by-case basis. Typically, we will only provide refunds for orders that encounter an error with our platform and not for any instances of customer error. Note that sometimes a report provides 0 results simply because there are no results found.

If you have an urgent enquiry, you can use our Support messaging system by clicking on the orange ‘How can we help?’ feature located at the bottom-right of the screen. We will respond to you via email as quickly as we can.
For less urgent inquiries, you can contact us via email at support@infotrackgo.com.au

While we try to provide all search results instantly, we typically allow for a period of 78 hours before orders are fulfilled. This is due to delays that can sometimes be experienced with the authorities we conduct searches on.

Sometimes our automated emails can be falsely flagged as spam. Be sure to check your spam/junk folder(s) for your order if you haven’t received it within 78 hours (even if you’ve received an order confirmation and/or invoice properly).

If your order hasn’t arrived in your inbox or spam/junk folder(s) after 78 hours, please get in touch with our support team and they will be more than happy to assist.

If your order was a simple typo (such as forgetting to put ‘.au’ at the end of your email address, or a spelling mistake), let our support team know by providing your order ID and the email you wish for the order to be sent to through our support messaging system.

If you haven’t received an invoice, let our support team know and they will be happy to provide you with a new invoice.

Generally, refunds are not provided for any cases of customer error. However, we understand that this landscape of formal documentation search can be difficult to navigate, so our support team is more than willing to assist as best as they can.

Yes, our services are a 100% legitimate. We are a registered information broker, authorised by federal, state and local authorities to provide these services to you. We are also an authorised ASIC and AFSA vendor.
All information contained in our reports is publicly available information.