Contact Us

We’re online every business day between 8.30am and 5pm AEDT.

Have Questions?

Unfortunately we are unable to provide any information free of charge that is not already publicly available through a search engine such as Google or Bing.

Refunds are provided on a case-by-case basis. Typically, we will only provide refunds for orders that encounter an error with our platform and not for any instances of customer error.

While we try to provide all search results instantly, we typically allow for a period of 78 hours before orders are fulfilled. This is due to delays that can sometimes be experienced with the authorities we conduct searches on.

Sometimes our automated emails can be falsely flagged as spam. Be sure to check your spam/junk folder(s) for your order if you haven’t received it within 78 hours (even if you’ve received an order confirmation and/or invoice properly).

If your order hasn’t arrived in your inbox or spam/junk folder(s) after 78 hours, please get in touch with our support team and they will be more than happy to assist.

If your order was a simple typo (such as forgetting to put ‘.au’ at the end of your email address, or a spelling mistake), let our support team know by providing your order ID and the email you wish for the order to be sent to through our support messaging system.

Generally, refunds are not provided for any cases of customer error. However, we understand that the ‘reporting landscape’ can be difficult to navigate, so our support team is more than willing to assist as best as they can.

If you haven’t received an invoice, let our support team know and they will be happy to provide you with a new invoice.

The quickest and easiest way to get in contact with us is through our Support Messaging system. If you have an urgent enquiry, you can use this feature by clicking on the orange ‘How can we help?’ rectangle located at the bottom-right of the screen. On mobile, this is replaced by an orange circle.

We will respond to you via email as quick as we can. For less urgent inquiries, you can contact us via email at

Our support team is currently quite small and we do not have the capacity to support inbound calls at this time. If you require assistance over the phone, inform our team in your support message and if we cannot immediately fix your issue, we can reach out to you via a phone call.

Still have question?

For non-urgent matters you can also email us.