Queensland (QLD) Property Searches
Need information about land or property in QLD? Conduct your search with ease, simply enter the address of the property and receive your report fast!
States registered owner and information regarding the mortgages, covenants, caveats and easements.
Timeline: 5 minutes
A survey plan with bearings, distances and area for all included parcels.
Timeline: 1 hour
The Environmental Risk Search provides fast and efficient access to basic information from government and non-government datasets. It includes records from the Queensland Department of Environment and Sciences, PFAS sites, and waste management and liquid fuel facilities. It does not include searches of the EMR or CLR.
Timeline: 5 minutes
The FloodWise Property Report provides property or lot-based flood information for building and development requirements. This report
provides information on estimated flood levels, habitable floor level requirements and more technical information on the four sources of
flooding: river, creek / waterway, storm tide and overland flow.
Timeline: 5 business days
It’s important to know that a property owner is listed on the properties land title, also referred to as a Title Deed, Land Title or a Title Certificate. A land title is an official record of that property and its owner, among other information.
Timeline: 5 minutes
Identifies if the property is located in a designated transport noise corridor. Note: for unregistered properties,
maps will be provided on a neighboring established parcel of land. If the search is unable to be completed on the Lot
and Plan provided the search may be processed on the parent details.
Timeline: 1 business day
Dial Before You Dig is the national referral service for information on underground infrastructure.
Please note Telstra searches are not included in this request.
Timeline: 10 business days
QLD Powerlink: Property Search
Shows if Powerlink Queensland has an interest in or within 500 meters of a property, or if Powerlink Queensland is investigating a new route which may affect the property. Plan details are required for the search.
Please note, no refunds are available from Powerlink.
Timeline: 3 business days
QLD Fire Safety Report: Per Building
This report helps assess the fire safety compliance of a property and identify any outstanding issues that need to be addressed. Obtain the QLD Fire Safety Report to ensure the safety and compliance of your property.
Timeline: 15 business days