IntelliVal Automated Valuation
Discover important information and the estimated value of a property with our Automated Valuation Model Reports (AVM).
What is an Automated Valuation Model (AVM)?
An Automated Valuation Model (AVM) is a comprehensive report that shows current and historical data about properties to assist with calculating the value of a property. Based on mathematical and statistical modelling, InfoTrackGO’s IntelliVal Automated Modelling reports provide invaluable information to property buyers to review insights of similar properties within your area of interest all in real time.
InfoTrackGO sources our Automated Valuation Models directly from Core Logic, the leading provider of property data and analytics in Australia and New Zealand.
How do I get an Automated Valuation Modelling report?
An Automated Valuation Modelling report will highlight vital insights about a property that you should consider before proceeding to submit an offer. Information included in an AVM report includes an estimate price range, confidence of price estimates, historical data and recently sold properties within the area.
Price Guide
Property Attributes
Similar Property Data
Location Insights
Find out helpful information with suburb property market data with historical trends and median value snapshots for the neighbourhood.
Which states are Automated Valuation Modelling (AVM) reports available for?
About Core Logic
Core Logic are an independent organisation and are the leading providers of property data and analytics in Australia and New Zealand. Core Logic provide market-leading data and analytical tools, supplying information for the majority of the Australian market.
An Automated Valuation Modelling (AVM) report shows a comprehensive range of property data, including: Price range estimate, neighbourhood insights, information about recently sold properties and confidence rankings.
Our Automated Valuation Modelling reports use historical data patterns, statistical and mathematical data to provide the most up-to-date information and estimates about a property and neighbourhood.
InfoTrackGO’s IntelliVal Automated Modelling reports are usually delivered to your email and InfoTrackGO account within one hour from completion of purchase. In some cases, this may take longer if delays are incurred by our third party report provider.